While the race to Mars is currently underway, a small startup company named “2Space” run by CEO Mark Miwards, believes that Jupiter is where the real race is at. Miwards theorizes that Jupiter actually has a surface and that only the atmosphere is filled with gas. He believes rich minerals lie on the surface and are waiting to be mined.
This theory of such was popularized by radio host, Alex Jones, who claimed that the Chinese were hiding secretive documents about the US government on the planet Jupiter in hopes to undermine the US Government. In an interview with TTN, Miwards claimed his theory has no connection to Jones’s despite also saying he was a fan of his podcasts in the past.
The rocket ship that will be making this maiden voyage will be called “2Jupiter” and is currently under construction in an assembly building in southern Texas. The ship has been compared to other rocket ships such as SpaceX’s Big Falcon Rocket and NASA’s Saturn V, except for the fact that these comparisons have only been made via concept art and there has been no actual proof of the size of 2Jupiter.
UPDATE: One of our own secret investigators Dayna Hendricks (Who works in our non-existent sales depart) went down to Texas to check out the “assembly building”, but upon arriving there, the building was nothing but a cardboard box factory. The owner of the factory claimed to have no idea who Miwards was and that no such man had ever come there asking to use the factory to build a rocket ship. Our investigator dug even further into the company 2Space and found out that the company actually used to be called 2BrothersSpaceHeaters and had no connection with space research or exploration at all.
Finally, we sent our investigator to the man himself, Mark Miwards, who told TTN that while the former name was true and that he did use to sell space heaters, his space company is real and 2Jupiter is being built as we speak, but when we asked him about the card board box factory, he froze and then shut the door on our investigators face. Miwards caught up with us later to say that he wasn’t feeling well and had to throw up and that was why he had to leave so quickly. Miwards said that he would love for us to come back again to have a real talk. We asked him if we could send a TTN reporter this time, and to our surprise, he said yes. Keep close to this story, as more news might come out, as we get closer and closer to the truth.
UPDATE 2: Mark Miwards has unfortunately died in a cardboard box accident and his space company has been sold with the money going towards a cardboard box factory that looks strangely like the one we sent our investigator to. Who knows what really happened in this story and if Miwards is really even dead.